Thursday 13 October 2011

When a child is born,Brand it!

Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

For countless months I have been fighting this urge to finally sit down and put my thoughts on to a piece of paper,in this case a screen.
 This battle has been going on for a while now, until I heard something rather interesting,”you will never know until you try“. This might sound cliche’ but have you ever thought about it? Really taken your time to think about what these simple seven words can do or the kind of potential they unlock when you actually act on them?

Now  history is a good reference point of  the people who actually decided to try.
Most of the milestones that we have in all aspects of life can be attributed to the men and women who decided to step up and try out their wildest dreams..

Edmund McIlhennyis little know to many and yet most of us have the sole creation of this man staring at us every time we take a meal.Mcllhennyis the genius behind the Tabasco sauce and like many inventors of his time Mcllhenny started out small.His sauce was distributed by foot to close relatives and friends.The sauce was packaged in reused cologne bottles and it wasn’t until excess demand hit Mr Mcllhenny’s door did he think of ordering for new unused bottles.

Enter  John C. Pemberton, a victim of circumstances Pemberton was forced to look for a cure for a drug problem to most returning war veterans in the United States.His experiments led him to stumble upon a formula that up to this day is considered one of the greatest creation of man. His formula led to the famous invention that is Coca Cola.

Edmund Mcllhenny and John C Pemberton are no different. They both created unique recipes  that could not be duplicated by anyone else in the world without their express consent. Both creations have a world wide distribution network and are considered successful brands in their respective industries. Notably one creates ripples across the world and is easily recognized by the younger generation  while the other is in my opinion a shadow that only stands out to the very keen eye.
The clear difference between these two products is branding. Pemberton had a secret weapon in an associate called Frank Mason Robinson   who not only came up with the name ‘’Coca Cola” but went a step further to hand write on all specimen bottles that were being sent out into the market.

The standards set in that dark little laboratory became the governing norm of all Coca Cola products.That simple gesture has made a world of difference to an ordinary soft drink product. That is the power of branding!


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